Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Old riches

Old favorites... need to find the sources... uhmm...

1 comment:

Kitty said...

"Booth received his death-shot in this manner. While I was taking Herold out of the barn one of the detectives went to the rear, and pulling out some protruding straw set fire to it. I had placed Sergeant Boston Corbett at a large crack in the side of the barn, and he, seeing by the igniting hay that Booth was leveling his carbine at either Herold or myself, fired, to disable him in the arm; but Booth making a sudden move, the aim erred, and the bullet struck Booth in the back of the head, about an inch below the spot where his shot had entered the head of Mr. Lincoln. Booth asked me by signs to raise his hands. I lifted them up and he gasped, 'Useless, useless!' We gave him brandy and water, but he could not swallow it. I sent to Port Royal for a physician, who could do nothing when he came, and at seven o'clock Booth breathed his last. He had on his person a diary, a large bowie knife, two pistols, a compass and a draft on Canada for 60 pounds."

Boston Corbett was definitely mentally unbalanced. Born in 1822, he castrated himself in the 1850s in order to better "resist sin." After the Civil war he served as a Sergeant-of-Arms to the Kansas legislature. He was committed to a mental institution after firing on a legislative session with two pistols. He escaped and vanished.

The Death of John Wilkes Booth, 1865