Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Happy birthday Edgar!

via ubu507:
Poe — born January 19, 1809

Alone together, the narrator asks Dupin how he found the letter. Dupin explains the Paris police are competent within their limitations, but have underestimated who they are dealing with. The Prefect mistakes the Minister D— for a fool because he is a poet. For example, Dupin explains how an eight-year old boy made a small fortune from his friends at a game called "Odds and Evens." The boy was able to determine the intelligence of his opponents and play upon that to interpret their next move. He explains that D— knew the police detectives would have assumed that the blackmailer would have concealed the letter in an elaborate hiding place, and thus hid it in plain sight.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Kitty!

I wish for whirled peas. :)

Kitty said...

Nice Edgar... me too ;)

Anonymous said...

nice music!

Kitty said...

Oh good Edgar...I was hoping it wasn't obnoxious... :)

I love that firefly song!!