Friday, March 19, 2010

the many forms of Linus

via turn of the century

via Emilio Segre Visual Archives

via Oregon State


Anonymous said...


Wow, that's one hairy horsey!

We're supposed to get 8 - 12" of snow tomorrow but I don't believe it.

I'm going to post the crack of doom vid. over at pp okay?

Kitty said...


Xtracool... on crack o doom!!!!

Get out your snowshoes and bunny hat!


Kitty said...


Anonymous said...

we only got 1-2" weatherdude = epic fail (again:)

Anonymous said...

I was in the neigh neigh neighborhood and thought I'd drop you a line.

BTW, Victory Cat won the 1st and Abbey Cat won the 3rd at Gulfstream Park today. A very good day for Kitties! Winnie!

Kitty said...

I adore you Edgar... :)

Anonymous said...

That's sweet Kitty, I like you too. :)

Chantal caught three rides tomorrow at SA. She is aboard:

5 Uncle Greg in R5

(I always liked the 5 horse in the fifth, heh)

8 Woman Warrior in R7

4 High Court Drama in R8

so let's wish her well!

Anonymous said...

wow that horse has a lot of needs