Friday, February 26, 2010

aggressive pacifist’s campaign

I think I'll blog about cool, tiny houses... I love them... :)

From Tumbleweed House Company blog...

"It has been nearly 14 years since I started, what I like to call, my aggressive pacifist’s campaign to make the built world a smaller place. To date, my approach has been to pretty much just live my life in a small footprint and hope that my example might inspire others to do the same.

On Wednesday, March 3 at roughly 7:00pm at the Hopmonk Tavern in Sebastopol, CA. I’ll be taking a somewhat more active approach. Ignite Sebastopol 3 is part of Global Ignite Week. Roughly a dozen speakers from the Bay Area will be given just twenty slides and five minutes each to present their subjects. I will be using my time to rip America’s system of imposed excess a new body part. My distain for the building codes that restrict how small a house can be is no secret. On March 3rd I’ll be making my position all the more clear. All presentations will be recorded and posted for international viewing.

We’re expecting a full house (~130 inside, and others watching the live feed to a screen in the outdoor Beer Garden), so get your tickets early. [Read more]


Anonymous said...

hey kitty!!! think i could live there it pretty nice lk if ur in the wilderness surrounded by greenery and water i could be happy cee really interesting i bet his living exp are small cool he can use all the saved dollars for other things..i lk the idea

Kitty said...


I could easily live in there... cause mostly I'd want to be outside running around and having fun!!!

If your house was this small you could have more than one in diff places and be a nomad and move in the seasons!!!!

Nice eh?

Hawaii and Vermont!!!

Anonymous said...

Hello Kitty,

I couldn't agree more. They keep building bigger and bigger houses for smaller and smaller families.


Anonymous said...

yeah this guy can visit a diff county every month..just think of the $ he saves....cee