Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Kitty's college drawing

ohhh boy... this is a drawing that I did in college and a friend has and sent me a picture... when I first saw it I thought that's interesting and then my memory remembered and I realized I made it... not one of my better ones but nice to see it after so long...


Anonymous said...

Very nice!! :)

Kitty said...

I guess I have a little gonzo in me... :)

Anonymous said...

Such talent. I wanted to be an artist until I gave it a few tries and realized I haven't the knack.

Kitty said...

Oh that's sweet Edgar... I really didn't have much talent... just intensity... I'll find the better work and get the slides made into jpg...

Anonymous said...

ur really good..its so cool to find stuff u didin the past i luv that smx i can b a clutter head cee

Masoi said...

Excellent! It's not too late to do some more ...